Halloween party ideas 2015

This is my sixth post about logo designing and in this post I am going to explain the drawing method of the logo Aditya Birla Group of Companies.That is an Indian multinational organization founded by Seth Shev Narayan Birla in 1857. This organization  has large business in different sectors e.g.  Metals, Cement, Fertilizers, Chemicals, Carbon Black, branded apparel, Telecom, Financial and I.T services etc. In the following image you can see the logo of Aditya Birla Group of Companies made in CorelDraw X6.

Aditya Birla Group of Companies 
Though the logo in the above image seems a complicated one and of course it is, but you can draw it withing 10 minutes or so, without any difficulty if you follow the instructions given below.

How to draw the logo of Aditya Birla Group of Companies using CorelDraw X6?

In order to draw the logo of Aditya Birla Group of Companies, first of  all create a new document by following the method I have explained in my post named  CorelDraw Tutorial: Logo of Douglas County Bank. After that select  the Rectangle Tool either by clicking on it in the Tool  Box or by hitting F6 on the keyboard. 

Rectangle Tool in the menu
As soon as you will select the Rectangle Tool, pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a plus ( + ) sign with a tiny rectangular shape at the bottom-right of it. Then put that plus sign shaped pointer of your mouse anywhere on the document and draw a rectangular or square  shaped object there by dragging your mouse in any direction while keeping it’s left button pressed. Having drawn a rectangular or square shaped object on the document, select it with the help of Pick Tool and set it’s width and height equal to 8.0 in the Property Bar by typing the values in the relevant boxes and hitting the Enter Key on the keyboard. As soon as your will hit the Enter Key, the selected rectangular or square shaped object will assume the same width and height and will be transformed into a perfect square.
Perfect square with equal width and height
 Then , select  the Ellipse Tool  either by clicking on it in the Tool Box or by hitting F7 on  the keyboard.
Ellipse Tool in the menu
 As soon as you will select that tool, pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a plus ( + ) with a tiny ellipse at the bottom-right of it. Then put that  plus sign shaped pointer of your mouse anywhere on the document and draw an ellipse there by dragging your mouse in any direction and keeping it’s left button pressed. Having drawn an ellipse on the document, convert it into a perfect circle by setting it’s width equal to it’s height. In order to do so, select the shape with the help of Pick Tool. As soon as  the shape will be selected, all it’s properties including it’s width and height will be appeared on the Property Bar. Then set the width and the  height of the  selected shape equals to 8.0 by typing the values in the relevant boxes and hitting the Enter Key. As soon as you will hit the Enter Key the selected circle will assume the  size defined in the Property Bar.

Perfect circle on the document
Then make a duplicate of that recently drawn circle either by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option namedDuplicate or by hitting CTRL + Don the keyboard.

Option named Duplicate given in the Edit Menu
 As soon as you will select the option named Duplicate given in the Edit Menu or hit CTRL + D, another circle of the same size will be appeared on the document. Then select that newly appeared duplicate circle with the help of Pick Tool and set it’s width and height equals to 4.0 by typing the values in the relevant boxes given in the Property Bar and hitting the Enter Key. As soon as you will hit the Enter Key, the selected duplicate circle will assume the same width and height according to the picture below. 
Two circles with different diameter
After that,  click the small arrow that can be seen at the bottom-right of the Freehand Tool in the Tool Box to open a menu containing a few more tools. Out of those tools select 2-Point Line Tool by clicking on it.
2-Point Line Tool in the menu
 As soon as you will select the tool named 2-Point Line, pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a plus ( + ) sign once again with a tiny  two point diagonal line at the bottom-right of it. Then put the pointer of your mouse anywhere on the document and draw a horizontal line by dragging your mouse horizontally either from left to right or from right to left while keeping it’s left button and the CTRL Key on the keyboard pressed at the same time. Then select that recently drawn horizontal line with the help of Pick Tool and set it’s width equal to 10by typing the value in the relevant box given in the property Bar and hitting the Enter Key. As soon as you will hit the Enter Key that recently drawn selected horizontal line will assume the same width according to the picture below.

Horizontal line drawn by the use of 2-Point Line Tool
After that, make a duplicate of that horizontal line either by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option named Duplicate, or by hitting CTRL + D on the keyboard. As soon as you will do so, another horizontal line with equal width will be appeared on the document. Then select that newly appeared duplicate line with the help of Pick Tool and set the Angle of rotation for it equal to 90o by typing the value in the relevant box given in the Property Bar and hitting the Enter Key. As soon as you will hit the Enter Key, the selected horizontal line will be rotated on 90o angle and will be transformed into a vertical line with width and height equals to 0.0 and 10.0 respectively according to the picture below. 
 Selected duplicate line with altered angle
After that select  all the objects on the document by hitting CTRL + A on the keyboard . Then get inside the Arrange Menu and select the option named Align and Distributegiven there. As soon as you will select that option , it’s side menu will be appeared containing a few more options. Out of those options select Align Centers Horizontally by clicking on it or by hitting E on the keyboard.

Align Centers Horizontally in the side menu of Align and Distribute
As soon as you will select the option named Align Centers Horizontally or hit E on the keyboard, the centers of all the selected objects on the document will get horizontally aligned according to the picture below.
Selected objects on the document after the selection of the option named Align Centers Horizontally
After that, get inside the Arrange Menu again and again select the option named Align and Distribute given there. As soon as the option named Align and Distribute will be selected,  it’s side menu will be appeared revealing some other options. Out of those options select Align Centers Vertically by clicking on it or by hitting C on the keyboard.

Align Centers Vertically in the side menu of Align and Distribute
As soon as you will do so, centers of all the selected objects on the document will be aligned vertically too according to the picture below.
Selected objects on the document after the selection of the option named Align Centers Vertically and horizontally
 After that select the Smart Fill Tool  by clicking on it in the Tool Box.

Smart Fill Tool in the Tool Box
 As soon as you will select that tool, the pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a plus ( + ) sign again and the tool properties including Fill OptionsFill Color, Outline options, Outline Width and Outline Color will be appeared on the Property Bar. Then,out of the options given in the drop-down menu named Fill Options select Specify,  select any color of your choice out of the many color options given in the  palette named Fill Color, select  Specify out of the options given in the drop-down menu named Outline Options,  select 0.5 out of the options given in the drop-down menu named Outline width and select any color of your  choice out of the different coloring options given in the palette named Outline color  ( as Fill Color  and Outline Colordo not create any good or bad effect on tool’s performance so you can leisurely ignore these two menus).

Properties of Smart Fill in the Property Bar
After that put the plus sign shaped pointer of your mouse on the top-left partition (made by the outlines of the top-left sides of the  square and the bigger circle) and hit the left button of your mouse once. As soon as you will do so, there will be created a separate object on that partition, of the same size and shape, and at the same time, the color you would have selected as Fill Color in the Property Bar will be filled inside that newly created object placed on the top-left partition according to the picture below.
Newly created grey colored object placed on the top left partition
 After that, put the pointer of your mouse on the top-right partition (made by the outlines of the top right sides of the square and the bigger circle) and hit the left button of your mouse again to create a separate object of the same size and shape there  too.Then create the separate objects on the partitions (made by the outlines of the upper-half of the bigger circle, upper -half of the  smaller circle, horizontal line and vertical line) by putting the mouse pointer on each partition one by one and hitting the left button of it once every time according to the picture below.
Four grey colored objects placed on the four partitions
After that, with the help of Pick Tool select the object placed on top-left partition and fill red color inside it by selecting the thumbnail representing red color in the Color Palette with left mouse click according to the picture below.
Red color has been filled inside the selected object
After that by following the same method:
  • Fill light brown color inside the object placed on the top-right partition made by the outlines of the right sides of the square and the bigger circle.
  • Fill light brown color inside the object placed on the partition made by the horizontal and vertical lines and the  outlines of the right sides of the upper halves of the bigger and the smaller circles.
  • Fill red color inside the object placed on the partition made by the horizontal line, vertical line and the left sides of the upper halves of the bigger and the smaller circles according to the picture below.
Right way of coloring different objects
After that select the horizontal line by clicking on it and then get inside the Arrange Menu and select the option named Transformations.  As soon as you will select that option, it’s side menu will be appeared containing five more options including Position, Rotate, Scale and mirror, Sizeand Skew. Out of those options select Rotate either by clicking on it or by hitting Alt + F8 on the keyboard.
Option named Transformations along with it's side menu
As soon as the option named Rotategiven in the side menu of Transformationswill be selected,  a large window named Transformations will be appeared  on the right side of CorelDraw window. At the top of that window there will be seen five tabs representing five options of Transformations ( including Position, Rotate, Scale and mirror, Size and Skew). As the window named Transformations would have been opened  by the selection of the option named Rotate, so you will find  the tab representing Rotate selected by default in that  window. Right beneath those tabs there will be seen a box named Angle or Rotation. In that box specify the Angle of Rotation for the selected line equal to 16.3o  by typing the value in the box and hitting the Enter Key. There is no need to make any change in the values given in the boxes named X and Y under the head of Center, so ignore these two boxes and leave the check box named Relative Center unchecked.  Right beneath the check box named Relative Center, there will be seen another box named Copies . Specify the number of copies equal to 10 by typing the value in the box and hitting the Enter Key. Having done that setting, hit the button named Apply that can be seen at the bottom-right of all the options given in the window named Transformations. As soon as you will hit that button, 10 copies of the selected line will be appeared on the document each placed at the angle of 16.3ofrom it’s predecessor according to the picture below.

Window named Transformations with tab named Rotate selected in it
 After that select the Smart Fill Tool again by clicking on it in the Tool Box and  set all the tool options given in the Property Bar precisely the same way I have explained earlier ( select Specify as Fill Option, select any color of your choice as Fill Color, select Specify as Outline Option, set Outline width equal to 0.5 and select any color of your choice as Outline Color ). Then put the plus sign shaped pointer of your mouse on all the small partitions made by the outline of  the smaller circle and the copies of line in the upper half of the  smaller circle one by one and hit the left button of your mouse to convert each  small colorless partition into a colored object according to the picture below.
Newly created objects in the upper half of the smaller circle
Then, with the help of Pick Tool select the object placed on the  left  bottom-most  partition inside the upper half of the smaller circle and fill red color inside it by selecting the thumbnail representing red color in the Color Palette with left mouse click  according to the picture below.

Object placed on the left bottom most partition of the  upper half of the smaller circle with red color filled inside
Then, by following the same method, fill red color inside all the objects placed on all the alternate partitions in the upper half of the smaller circle and fill light brown color inside the objects placed on the rest of the partitions  according the picture below.
Small objects placed on the partitions in the upper half of the smaller circle with red and brown colors filled inside
After that select all the lines on the document one by one with the help of Pick Tool and delete them either by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option named Delete or by hitting Delete key on the keyboard.
Image after the deletion of all the lines
Then select all the shapes on the document by hitting CTRL + A on the keyboard and group them together either by getting inside the Arrange Menu and selecting the option named Group of hit by hitting CTRL + Gon the keyboard. After that click the small arrow that can be seen at the bottom-right of the Freehand Tool to open a menu containing different other tools. Out of those, select the Pen Tool by clicking on it.
Pen Tool in the menu
 As soon as you will select that tool, pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a pen.Then, with the help of Pen Tool, draw a thorn or spike shaped object  at the top of the smaller circle. For that purpose put the pen shaped pointer of your mouse at the top-left corner of the light brown object placed on the middle partition of the upper half of the smaller circle and hit the left button of your mouse once. As soon as you will do so, a thread issued from the pen shaped pointer will be stuck to that point.Then drag your mouse upward diagonally toward the right side and hit the left button of it on the mid point of the top of the bigger circle. Then drag your mouse downward toward the right side diagonally and hit the left button of it on the top-right corner of the red object placed on the middle  partition of the smaller circle. Then drag your mouse horizontally toward the left side and hit the left button of it at the top-left corner of the light brown object placed on the middle  partition of the smaller circle according the  picture below.
Spike shaped object drawn with the help of Pen Tool
After that , select the Pick Tool by clicking on it in the Tool Box. Then put the pointer of your mouse on the recently drawn thorn of spike shaped object and hit the left button of your mouse twice. As soon as you will do so, the spike shaped object will be surrounded by a few black double sided arrows and it’s default rotation point will be highlighted by a small circle.
Spike shaped object with rotation point set on it's default position
 Then put the pointer of your mouse on that rotation point (pointer will assume the shape of a plus ( + ) sign as soon as it will touch the rotation point) and drag it downward from it’s default position to the middle of the upper half of the smaller circle, and drop it there according to the picture below.
Rotation point of the spike shaped object on altered position
After that hit Alt + F8 on the keyboard to open the window named Transformations again with tab named Rotate selected on it. Then set the Angle of Rotation for the spike shaped object equal to 32.6by typing the value in the relevant box, ignore again the boxes named  X and Y under the head of Center, leave the check box named  Relative Center unchecked and specify the number or copies equal to 2 by typing the value in the box named Copies and hitting the Enter Key. Having done that setting, hit the button named Apply at the bottom right of all the options given in the window named Transformations. As soon as you will do so, two copies of the spike shaped object will be emerged  at the left side of it each at the angle of 32.6o from it’s predecessor.

Two copies of the spike shaped object, each placed at the angle of  32.6o  from it's predecessor
After that put the pointer again on the first  spike shaped object (made by the use of Pen Tool)  and hit the left button of your mouse twice . As soon as you will do so, the spike shaped object will again be surrounded by a few black double sided arrows with rotation point highlighted by a small circle. Then set the Angle of Rotation for that shape equal to -32.6o  by typing the value in the relevant box given in the already opened window named Transformations. Then in the same window, set the number of copies equal  to 2 by typing the value in the box named Copies and hit the button  named Apply as I have explained earlier. As soon as you will hit the button named Apply, two more copies of the spike shaped object will be emerged  on the document, this time, at the right side of the selected shape each set at the angle of -32.6o    from it's predecessor according to the picture below.

Four copies of the spike shaped object 
 After that select  the Smart Fill Tool again by clicking on it in the Tool Box and set all it's options in the Property Bar according to the same way I have explained earlier. Then  put the pointer of your mouse on the light brown part of the spike shaped object in the middle  and hit the left button of your mouse once. As soon as you will do so, there will be created a separate object of the same shape.  Then put the pointer on the red part of the same object and hit the left button of your mouse again to create a separate object here too according to the picture below.
Two objects created on  the middle spike ready to be filled with different colors
After that, select the left part of the spike shaped object in the middle and two spikes placed at the left side of it with the help of Pick Tool by clicking on each one by one while keeping the Shift Key on the keyboard pressed. Then fill red color inside all the selected objects by selecting the thumbnail representing red color in the color Palette.
left sided spikes with red fill inside
 Then, select the right part of the spike shaped object in the middle and the two spikes at the right side of it with the help of Pick Tool by clicking on each one by one while keeping the Shift Key pressed on the keyboard. Then fill light brown color inside all the selected shapes by selecting the thumbnail representing light brown color in the Color Palette with left mouse click according to the picture below.
Spike shaped objects place at the right side of the middle spike filled with light brown color
After that select all the object on the document by hitting CTRL + A and group them together by hitting CTRL + G on the keyboard. Then select the Rectangle Tool again either by clicking on it in the Tool Box or by hitting F6 on the keyboard. Then with the help of this tool, draw a large rectangular shape anywhere on the document and, in order to make it clearly visible, fill any color inside it by selecting any thumbnail given in the Color Palette with left mouse click. After that  put that rectangular shape on the lower halves of all the shapes ( lower halves of square, bigger circle and the smaller circle) on the document , so that it could hide those parts of the shapes according to the picture below.
Lower halves of the three shapes hidden behind the rectangle
After that  hit CTRL + A again to select all the shapes on the document simultaneously . As soon as you will select all the shapes, shaping options including Weld, Trim, Intersect, Simplify, Front minus back, Back minus front and Create boundary will be appeared on the Property Bar. Out of those options select Trim to have the hidden lower halves of all the shapes nicely trimmed off.

Shaping options named Weld, Trim, Intersect, Simplify,Front minus back, Back minus front and Create boundary
 As soon as the option named Trim will be selected, the hidden parts of all the shapes behind the reclangle will be deleted or trimmed off. After that select the large rectangular shape beneath the almost finished logo of Aditya Birla Group of Companies with the help of Pick Tool and delete it either by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option named Delete or by hitting the Delete Key on the keyboard. After that, select the logo with the help of Pick Tool and remove the color of it’s outline by selecting the thumbnail representing None (No color) in the color Palette with right mouse click. As soon as you will select that thumbnail  black outline of the logo will be vanished from the sight.
Logo with no visible outline
 After that, select the Text Tool either by clicking on it in the Tool Box or by hitting F8 on the keyboard.
Text Tool in the Tool Box
As soon as the Text Tool will be selected, pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a plus sign ( + ) with a prominent letter A at  the  bottom right of it. Then put that plus sign shaped pointer of your mouse right beneath the logo and type the phrase “ADITYA BIRLA GROUP” there and  select that recently typed text with the help of Pick Tool. As soon as the text will be selected, it’s properties will be appeared on the Property Bar. Then select Arial as Typeface for the selected text out of the many options given in the drop-down menu named Font-List, set the Font Size for the selected text equal to 50 pt by typing the value in the box named Font Size  and hitting the Enter Key and set the attribute named Bold for the text by selecting the box representing that attribute in the Property Bar. Having done that setting, fill red color inside the selected text by selecting the thumbnail representing red color in the color Palette with left mouse click according to the Picture below.
Typed text and it's properties in the Property Bar 

 Then the logo of Aditya Birla Group will ready to be saved so save it in CDR format either by getting inside the File Menu and selecting the option named Save  or by hitting CTRL +S on the keyboard. In order to save the same logo in any format other than CDR, select the option named Export  given in the File Menu or hit CTRL + E on the keyboard instead of selecting the option named Save or hitting CTRL + S. Having saved the document use it anywhere you like by putting different suitable backgrounds behind it.
I hope you will find this post simple, easy and helpful, so have fun with it but kindly don't forget to subscribe your comments.

This is my fifth post about logo designing and in this post I have decided to explain the drawing method of the the logo of a very well-known and well-reputed organization named Adidas in CorelDraw X6 . Adidas is a German multinational company that designs and manufactures sport goods e.g. sport shoes, clothing and other accessories. Though the logo of Adidas is a beautiful one, but at the same time, it is very simple and easy to draw.

Logo of Adidas 
You can see the logo of Adidas in the above image  made within two minutes by the use some very important  CorelDraw tools including Ellipse Tool, Rectangle Tool, Text Tool and  a very important shaping option named Intersect.

How to draw Logo of Adidas using CorelDraw X6?

In order to draw logo of Adidas, first of all create a new document by following the method I have explained in my post named CorelDraw Tutorial: Logo of Douglas County Bank. Having created a new document, first of all select the Ellipse Tool by clicking on it in the Tool Box or  by hitting F7 on the keyboard.

Ellipse Tool in the menu
As soon as you will select that tool, pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a plus ( + ) sign with a tiny shape of an ellipse at the bottom-right of it. Then put that plus sign shaped pointer of your mouse anywhere on the document and draw an ellipse by dragging your mouse in any direction while keeping it’s left button pressed.
 Then, in order to transform that newly drawn ellipse into a perfect circle, set it’s width and height equal to each other. For that purpose select that ellipse with the help of Pick Tool to have it’s properties including it’s width and height  in the Property Bar. Then set the width and height of the selected shape equals to 6.0 by typing the values in the relevant boxes and hitting the Enter Keyon the keyboard. As soon as your will hit the Enter Key, the selected shape will assume the same width and height and will be transformed into a perfect circle.
Perfect circle on the document
After that, select that circle with the help of Pick Tool and make a duplicate of it either by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option  named Duplicate given in the menu or by hitting CTRL + D on the keyboard.
 As soon as you will select the option Duplicate or hit CTRL +D, a duplicate circle will be appeared on the document.
Recently appeared duplicate circle along with the first shape
 Then, with the help of Pick Tool put the duplicate shape on the first shape in a way that it’s left part could overlap the right part of the first shape according to the picture below.
Right place for two circles
 After that select both the shapes on the document by hitting CTRL + A on the keyboard. As soon as you will hit CTRL + A both the shapes will be selected and the shaping options including Weld, Trim, Intersect, Simplify, Front minus back, Back minus front and Create boundary will be appeared on the Property Bar. Out of those shaping options , the option which is supposed to selected here is none other than Intersect.
Intersection of two shapes
As soon as you will select that option,  a leaf shaped object will be created from the area where two circles overlap each other. Then select  both the circles one  by one and delete them either by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option named Delete or by hitting Delete Key on the keyboard.
 After that, select that leaf shaped object with the help of Pick Tool and fill green color inside it by selecting the thumbnail representing green color in  the Color Palette with left  mouse click. Then,  in order to fill the same green shade in the selected shape’s outline, select the same thumbnail by hitting the right button of your mouse.
Leaf shaped object with green color filled inside
 After that,  make a duplicate of that leaf shaped green object either by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option Duplicate or by hitting CTRL + D on the keyboard. As soon as you will do so, a duplicate leaf shaped object will be appeared on the document. Then select that duplicate with the help of Pick Tool by clicking on it. As soon as you will select that object, it’s properties will be appeared on the Property Bar. Out of those properties,  the property that is supposed to be altered here is it’s Angle of rotation. So set the Angle of rotation for the duplicate leaf shaped object equal to 320o  by typing the value in the relevant box and hitting the Enter Key. As soon as you will hit the Enter Key, the selected duplicate shape will assume the same angle.
Duplicate shape with 320 degree angle
 After that, with the help of Pick Tool put that rotated duplicate shape beside the first shape according to the picture below.

Two leaf shaped object placed together on the document
 After that, select the first shape again with the help of Pick Tool and make another duplicate of it  either  by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option Duplicate  or by hitting CTRL + D on the keyboard. As soon as you will do so, another duplicate of that green leaf shaped object will be appeared on the document. Then select that new made duplicate with the help of Pick Tool to have it’s properties on the Property Bar.  Then set the Angle of rotation for the selected shape equal to 40o by typing the value in the relevant box given in the Property Bar and hitting the Enter Key. As soon as you will hit the Enter Key, the selected object will be rotated on the same angle.
Second duplicate shape with 40 degree angle
 After that , with the help of Pick Tool put that shape at the left side of the first shape according to the picture below.
Second duplicate shape placed at the left of the first shape
 Then select all the shapes on the document by hitting CTRL + A  and group them together either by hitting CTRL + Gon the keyboard or by getting inside the Arrange Menu and selecting the option named Group.  After that select that group with the help of Pick Tool and set it ‘s width and height equals to 6.5 and 4.5 respectively by typing the values in the relevant boxes and hitting the Enter Key on the keyboard. As soon as you will do so, the selected group will assume the same width and height.
Width and height for the selected group
 Then, select the Rectangle Tool either by clicking on it in the Tool Box or by hitting F6 on the keyboard.
Rectangle Tool in the Tool Box
 As soon as you will select that tool, pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a plus ( + ) sign with a tiny rectangular shape at the bottom-right of it. Then put that plus sign shaped pointer or your mouse anywhere on the document and draw a rectangular shape there by dragging your mouse and keeping it’s left button pressed. Then select that newly drawn rectangle and set it’s width and height in the Property Bar equals to 7.0and 0.255 respectively by typing the values in the relevant boxes an hitting the Enter Key. Then put that shape on the group of three green leaf shaped objects according to the picture below.
Large thin rectangle placed on the group
Then, draw another rectangle by using Rectangle Tool and set it’s width and height equals to 7.0 and 0.244 respectively by typing the values in the relevant boxes given in the Property Bar and hitting the Enter Key. Then with the help of Pick Tool put that recently made rectangular shape on the previously made group of three leaf shaped objects right beneath the first rectangular shape leaving a little distance  between the two shapes according to the picture below.
Second rectangular shape placed right beneath the first shape on the group
 After that, draw the third rectangular shape using Rectangle Tool and set it’s width and height equals to 7.0 and 0.233 respectively by typing the values in the relevant boxes given in the Property Bar and hitting the Enter Key on the keyboard. Then,  put that shape too on the group of three leaf shaped objects right beneath the second rectangular shape leaving some distance between both the shapes  according to the picture below.
Three rectangles placed on the group
After that, select all the objects on the document including the group of three leaf shaped objects and three remarkably thin rectangular shapes placed on that group by hitting CTRL + A on the keyboard.  As soon as you will hit CTRL + A, all the shapes on the document will get selected  and the shaping options will again be appeared on the Property Bar. Out of those shaping options, select  Trim by clicking on it.
Trim and other shaping options in the Property Bar
 As soon as you will select that option,  the part of the group on which three rectangular shapes are placed will be nicely trimmed off or deleted leaving empty rectangular spaces behind. Having trimmed the part of the group, select all the rectangular shapes one by one with the help of Pick Tool and delete them either by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option named Delete or by hitting the Delete Key on the keyboard. After that select the Text Tool either by clicking on it in the Tool Box or by hitting F8 on the keyboard.
Text Tool in the Tool Box
 As soon as  you will select that tool, pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a plus sign with a prominent  letter A at the bottom-right of it. Then put the pointer of your mouse right beneath the almost finished logo and type the word “adidas” there. Then select that recently typed word with the help of Pick Tool to have it’s properties in the Property Bar. As soon as  the word will be selected, it’s properties including Typeface and Font Size etc. will be appeared on the Property Bar. Select  Century Gothic as typeface for the selected text out of the different options given in the drop-down menu named Font List and set the font size for the selected text equal to 120 pt by typing the value in the relevant box and hitting the Enter Key. Further, select Bold as attribute for the selected text by clicking on the box representing that attribute in the Property Bar.
Properties of the selected text in the Property Bar
After that, select Rectangle Toolagain either by clicking on it in the Tool Box or by hitting F6 on the keyboard and draw a large rectangular or square shaped object on the document covering the logo and the text thoroughly. Then fill black color inside the recently made rectangular or square shaped object by selecting the thumbnail representing black color in the Color palette with left mouse click. As soon as the color will be filled inside that shape, the logo and the text will totally be hidden behind the shape according to the picture below.
Logo and the text both have been hidden behind the square
In order to send the selected rectangular shape behind the logo and the text, hit Shift + pg dnon the keyboard or get inside the Arrange Menu and select the option namedOrder given in that menu. As soon as you will select that option , it's side menu will be appeared containing a few more options. Out of those options, the option which is supposed to be selected here is called To Back of Layer.
To Back of Layer in the side menu of  Order
As soon as you will select the option named To Back of Layer or hit Shift  + pg dn , the black rectangular shape will be shifted behind the logo and the text. At the same time,  green colored logo will become clearly visible but the black colored text will remain out of sight. In order to make the text visible, select it first by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option named Select All. As soon as you will select that option, it’s side menu will be appeared containing some other options including Objects, Text, Guidelines and Nodes. Out of those options, select Text by clicking on it.
 Options referred as Objects, Text, Guidelines and Nodes in the menu of Select All
 As soon as you will select the option named Text, the invisible text on the document will be selected abruptly. Then fill white color in the selected text by selecting the thumbnail representing white color in the Color Palette with left mouse click. As soon as you will select that thumbnail by hitting the left button of your mouse, white color will be filled inside the selected text and it will become prominently visible against the black background.
Clearly visible text against the background
Then the logo of Adidas will ready to be saved, so save it in CDR format by getting inside the File Menu and selecting the option named Save given there or by hitting CTRL + S on the keyboard. If you want to save the same logo in any format other than CDR, then  get inside the File Menu and select the option named Export  given in the menu or hit CTRL + E on the keyboard.Having saved the logo you can use it anywhere you like with or with alterations.
  I hope you will find today’s post simple, easy and helpful, so have fun with it by kindly don’t forget to subscribe your comment.
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