Interior decoration is a field that is getting more and more popular among the youngsters these days. No doubt, this field has been proved one of the most lucrative fields for the people with God gifted talent and creativity. It is to decorate any place appropriately, whether it be a house or a business place e.g. Office, restaurant, educational institution etc, requires a good amount of concentration and God gifted creative talent. If you have both of these, there is nothing in the world that can block your way toward success. But there is another fact, certainly not to be overlooked, is that no matter how skillful you are and how much talent you possess, need of further improvement always remain exist. If you are already an interior decorator, or intend to be one in the future, it’s better for you to make yourself ready for this in an organized way.For that purpose you need to possess knowledge and skill that can help you to perform your job with less and less subjectivity.
For instance, as an interior decorator, if you are having trouble in deciding whether a cabinet would look better with wooden texture or without it, despite all your artistic talent and creativity, there must be an alternative way for getting out of this trouble. Adobe Photoshop is a software that can be proved highly useful here. You can edit that image using Photoshop and render the texture to a plainly painted cabinet’s image, and having compared it with the original picture easily decide whether it looks better or not. For instance the following image has been made by the use of Photoshop and displaying two possibilities at the same time and making comparison easier.
Cabinets: with and without texture |
Here in this post I will try to explain the method through which you can render a nice looking wooden texture to a plainly painted cabinet.
How to render an awesome wooden texture to a plainly painted cabinet?
First of all , open your required image in Photoshop by getting inside the file menu and selecting the option Open or by hitting CTRL + O.
File Menu |
After opening the image, if you see in the layer palette, the same image will be seen there as locked background.
Image :Ready to be edited |
The next thing which is supposed to be done right after that is to make the selection of the part of the picture, that contains the cabinet image only, leaving rest of the parts of the picture completely unselected. For that purpose here is required a selection tool, that can be any (e.g. Lasso Tool, Polygonal Lasso Tool or Magnetic Lasso Tool etc), but the most suitable one is Polygonal Lasso Tool. So select Polygonal Lasso Tool out of the tool window. As soon as you will select that tool, the pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of the tool that can be seen in the menu, and the tool options will be appeared at the top of the window right beneath the menu bar. In order to achieve desired outcome, select the option called New Selection out of the types of selection and set Feather equals to 0 px.
After that, put the Polygonal Lasso Tool shaped pointer of your mouse at any point of the outline of the cabinet image and click once. With that click the selection thread will be stuck to that point.
Selection thread has been stuck to the starting point |
Then make the selection of the whole part of the picture that contains the cabinet image by dragging straight your mouse and clicking at turning points.
Red circles indicate the points where mouse clicks are required |
End the selection of the cabinet’s image at the same point from where you started it by joining the two ends of the thread.
Part of the image about to be selected completely |
After joining both the ends, hit Enter and the whole part of the image will be selected within an instant.
Cabinet image after selection |
After that , make a copy of that selected part by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option Copy or by hitting CTRL + C.
Selected part of the image is being copied |
Then add a new layer by clicking the small icon that can be seen right beneath the layer window and says Create a new layer every time having been hovered over.
Two layers in the layer palette |
After adding a new layer, paste the copied part of the image on it by getting inside the Edit Menu and selecting the option Pasteor by hitting CTRL + V.
Selected part of the image is being pasted |
As soon as you will select the option Paste or hit CTRL + V , selection will get removed in an instant out of the image and the selected part of the image will be appeared on the newly added transparent layer that will clearly be visible in the layer palette.
Top layer with cabinet image pasted on it |
After that get inside the Filter Menu and select the option Texture. As soon as you will select that option another menu will be appeared containing a few more options. Out of those options select Grain.
Filter Menu with options and sub-options |
As soon as you will select the option Grain, a small window will be appeared named Grain. In that window you will see two slides referred as Intensity and Contrast respectively and a drop-down menu called Grain Type.
Grain : Dialogue box that is displaying Filter options |
Set the Intensity and Contrast , both up to 30, out of the drop-down menu select the option Vertical and click OK. As soon as you will click OK ,the window called Grain will be disappeared and a delicate and awesome wooden texture will be appeared on the cabinet’s image.
Cabinet : No longer plainly painted |
If you want a bit lighter texture you can reduce the opacity of the top layer up to satisfactory level.
Opacity of the top layer is being reduced |
After setting the opacity of the layer up to desired level save the image in your required format by getting inside the File Menu and selecting the option Save As or hitting Shift + CTRL + S.
Cabinet image : Ready to be saved |
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