Halloween party ideas 2015

Reading and writing, both have always been considered  a crucial part  of a civilized society. People not only keep on trying to find different ways to express their feelings, thoughts and emotions,but at the same time, they want to keep themselves aware of the feelings and emotions of other people too. As, most of the time we don’t have people face to face with whom we want to share our thoughts and feelings, so we have to discover more and more effective ways to convey our massage with little or no risk of misinterpretation.Well known writers and philosophers always insist too much upon the importance of words,and words in the from of text written or printed, are one of the most important sources which are used to convey massages effectively.

William H. Gass
Quote by william H. Gass
 As far as the risk of misinterpretation is concerned,it is always remain exist, no matter how hardly we make efforts to avoid it, but we can do our best to avoid it all the same.Of course, text style can be a great help against the risk of misinterpretation. Here I am going to explain a very easy and simple method which is very commonly used by both print and electronic media these days, for making text both beautiful and meaningful at the same time, and that is to put an image inside the text using Photoshop.

Use of Photoshop Tools including Group With Previous while putting an image inside the text

First of all create a new file by hitting CTRL + N or by getting inside the file menu and clicking the option  New

New : This option is used to create a new document

As soon as you will click New or hit CTRL + N, a small dialogue box called Newwill be appeared. 

New dialogue box
In that dialogue box, type the name of your file in the name box, select either a preset size or set width or height of the image file as much as you like or need. Then set the Resolution of your file,  Mode and Content then click OK. As soon as you will click OK, the window called New will be disappeared and appeared a new blank Photoshop document or PSD file of the same height and width you have set in the dialogue box named New .Then select Horizontal Type Tool out of the Type Tool Menu.

Type Tool : This tool is used in Photoshop to type text
 As soon as you will select that tool the pointer of your mouse will assume the shape of a down arrow  and at the top of the Photoshop window right beneath the menu bar will be appeared  type tool options. The next thing which is supposed to be done right after that is the setting of Type Tooloptions.

Type tool options :Font family, font style, font size,anti-aliasing method, alignment and color
  Set the Font Family (e.g. Georgia, Impact etc),  Font Style (Bold, Italic, Regular or Bold-Italic etc), Font Size (you can select your required font size out of the drop-down menu but in case your required font size is not available in the menu, there is no need to worry about that, just select and delete the value which is present in the font-size box, and type your required size in the same box and press enter to select it for your text.). Then select anti aliasing method (strong, crisp, sharp or smooth.), alignment (right, left or center), and the color for your text. Having done your required setting , put the pointer of your mouse on the page and click the left button of it once. As soon as you will do so , you will notice that in the layer palette a new layer will be appeared all by itself with the prominent letter  ‘T’ on it and cursor will start to blink on the page.

Text layer 
 Then type a few words on it.

Typed words on transparent text layer
 Having done so , open a picture by getting  inside the file menu and selecting  the option Openor by hitting  CTRL + O.Then select  the newly opened image by hitting CTRL + A,  copy it  by hitting CTRL + C and then paste it on the file  on which you have typed the text by hitting CTRL + V. Instead of copying and pasting, you can drag and drop the same image on the file on which you have typed the text using Move Tool  as I have explained earlier in my post How to change a picture's background ?

Image on the text
Well after dragging and dropping, or after copying and pasting you will notice another layer in the layer palette  containing the image you have recently dragged and dropped or copied and pasted .

Three layers are visible  in the layer palette 
Then select the layer that contain the image by clicking on it and  in order to enlarge the layer or image, get inside the Edit Menu and select the option Free Transform or  hit CTRL + T. .

Edit Menu : Contains many options including Free Transform
 As soon as you will select that option, a rectangle will be appeared around  the  image that is usually referred as Free Transformation Rectangle, that means that, the layer that contains the picture is ready to be transformed. Then enlarge that image by putting the pointer of your mouse at any point of the Transformation Rectangleand dragging it out.

Image :During enlargement
 When the layer that contain the picture cover the layer that contain the text totally, stop  dragging.

Text layer is hidden behind the image
Then make a group of both layers (text and image layers) by getting inside the Layer Menu and selecting the option Group with previous or by hitting CTRL +G.

Group with previous : In the layer menu
 As soon as you will select that option or hit those keys , the layer that contain the text will be reappeared and the layer that contain the image will clearly be seen nowhere else but inside the text.

After being grouped with previous: Image layer inside the text
The next thing you need to do is to merge both layers. To do so first of all you need to make a link between both layers. In order to make a link between the two layers all you need to do is to select one layer out of both and then click the small empty box that  can be seen between each layer and the eye symbol that indicates the layer visibility in the layer palette.

Small boxes beside layers indicate if layers are linked 

 These small boxes  basically indicate whether  the layers are  linked or not. If these boxes are empty, it's mean that the layers are not linked. As soon as you will click  the empty box  beside the text layer, a small clip like symbol will be appeared in that box that will indicate that the layer has been linked with the selected layer.

Locked background layer is not linked with the two other layers

 After making the link between the both layers, get inside the Layer Menu again and select the option  Merge Linked or hit CTRL + E.

Merge Linked: In  Layer menu
 As soon as you will select that option both layer will be merged with each other and become one layer. Then in order to make the text prominent, add another layer by clicking the small icon that can be seen beneath the layer window.

Small icons beneath the layer window are used to perform many funtions
 As soon as you will click that icon , a new empty layer will be appeared in the layer palette. Then out of the tool window click either background of foreground color to open Color Pickerwindow.

Background and Foreground colors
 As soon as you will click either background or foreground color, in both cases will be opened Color Picker Window.

Color Picker : Select any color of your choice
 Out of that window select any color of your choice by clicking on it and then click OK. With that click Color Picker window will get out of sight leaving the background or foreground color you have selected in the box of background or foreground color. Then in order to fill your recently selected color in the empty layer, which is to be used as text background, you are supposed to hit either CTRL + backspace key ( in case you want to fill background color in the layer) or hit ALT + backspace key (in case you want to fill foreground color in the layer). In my case that is foreground color so I filled it in the layer by hitting ALT + backspace key. As soon as you will hit those keys, color will be filled in the layer and the layer that contains the text will be hidden behind that layer.

  Text layer has been hidden because the top most layer is no longer transparent
In order to bring the text layer forward, first of all select that layer by clicking on it then get inside the Layer menu and select the option Arrange. As soon as you will select the option Arrange, it s own side menu will be appeared. Out of that side menu, select the option Bring to front .

Text layer needs to be brought to front to be revealed.
As soon as you will select the option the text layer will move to front and the lay with filled color will become the background of it. 

Simple but attractive text style
Then save the image in your required format by following the method I have explained in my previous post   Gaussian Blur and Color Dodge : Filter and Blending Mode   and use is wherever you want.
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